Best Glide Floss Original 50 m (Pack of 6) (Zahnseide)

Besten Für Glide Floss Original 50 m (Pack of 6) (Zahnseide) test

Amazon: Customer Reviews: Glide Dental Floss, Original, 54.6 5 stars. “Excellent Floss” I was looking for a replacement for the floss I had been using (Johnson & Johnson “Reach”) because it shredded when pulled between my teeth

Glide Floss Original 50 m (Pack Features :

  • Unique, Patented Floss is Smooth, Strong and Shred Resistant
  • Contains a Light Coating of Natural Wax for Improved Grip
  • Effectively Removes Tough Plaque between Teeth
  • Silky Smooth Texture Slides Easily Between Teeth
  • Stimulates Gums and Helps Prevent Gingivitis